Remembering Your Dreams

How To Remember Your Dreams by Dancing Bear

Before you go to sleep at night set the intention that you will remember your dreams and that they will not disturb your sleep. Also set the intention that you will wake up after any dream that is particularly helpful for you to remember.

Put a pad of paper and a pen next to your bed in easy reach. When you first wake up, which may be in the middle of the night or in the morning, immediately pick up the paper and pen and begin drawing first then writing. Draw then write whatever you were feeling when you woke up, continue writing anything that you begin to remember. Keep going back to how you were feeling when you woke up and the memory will begin to return. Allow the pen to be your memory and not your mind. Do NOT analyze anything. If the image is not complete do not try to fill it in, just write what is there. As you practice this you will be able to write more.

It is helpful to learn how to write in the dark. You do not even turn on the light as it can be distracting. In the morning when you awaken, read what you wrote during the night and try to make it more legible. At night or first thing in the morning, just write - penmanship is not important.

It is also helpful if you can train yourself to wake up without an alarm or radio - they tend to blast you out of your sleep and you immediately lose the dream. Set the intention that you will wake up before the alarm goes off and manually turn it off when you awaken.

The dreams we have when we first go to bed are our mind's sorting out the day and the past. In the middle of the night our dreams are many times instructive and add to our intuitive knowledge. Our last set of dreams are the ones worth remembering. They are the future, i.e. what is coming and what we are manifesting. This is when the soul agreements are made between people.

It cannot be stressed enough how important it is to NOT try to analyze your dream when you are writing it down. Also the dream is not always like a movie. Sometimes you will see an object or person, note these as well. Just write everything you notice, colors, smells, are you part of the dream or observing the dream. Are you yourself in the dream, someone else, or are you not part of the dream at all. Are there people in the dream that you know or are they all strangers. For two nights in a row there was a short man with dark hair in my dreams. I had no idea who he was. Then I went to an appointment to meet someone I had never seen before and he was the man in my dreams. Our souls work things out on another plane in our dreams and then we actualize them on the physical plane.

Some people will actually set an alarm for 2 AM to wake up and remember their dreams. Personally, I find this disruptive as I may actually be in the middle of a dream. Not all of our dreams need to be remembered. If the intention is set to wake if you are to remember an important dream then something will awaken you naturally.

We dream in 1.5 hour blocks of time or cycles. If you go to bed at 10:00 PM the cycles end about as follows: 11:30 PM, 1:00 AM, 2:30 AM, 4:00 AM, and 5:30 AM. If you make a habit of waking up around 5:30 AM It is perfect for remembering your dreams and one of the best times to meditate.

Another tool to help your remember your dreams is to use a female quarts crystal and program it prior to sleep. A female crystal is milky. They male crystals are clear and will disrupt your sleep so only use the female crystals for dream remembering. Hold the crystal before going to sleep and set the intention that the crystal will help you remember your dream. Then place the crystal under your pillow and go to sleep. WHen you want to write your dream hold the crystal to help you remember.

Hope this helps with remembering your dreams.

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Dr. Beverly Lawrence

The Founder of the Dancing Bear Enlightenment Academy & The Dancing Bear Healing Center, Dr. Beverly, has extensive training and decades of experience in various spiritual & holistic therapeutic fields. She has been training students in the area of meditation, spiritual development, and living holistically for over 30 years. She also was a Teaching Assistant in a Naturopathic Medical School. Her acupuncture practice was shut down by the events of 2020 so now she is working online as a holistic medical intuitive to bring her expertise to as many people possible on global scale. To learn more about Dr. Beverly please visit her home page at Dr. Beverly Home Page

Weekly Podcast & Summits

Beverly hosts a weekly podcast (YouTube, SimpleCast, Spotify, Apple, Amazon, and more channels being added) every Monday at 11 AM MST-Arizona. This is sometimes a talk by Dr. Beverly, or it is interviews of other Holistic Professionals & Coaches. Every Thursday at 5pm (MST-Arizona) Dr. Beverly leads a guided meditation live on the YouTube channel, broadcast later on the audio channels. On Friday's a rebroadcast of Dr. Beverly debates with Zsa Zsa Todus is rebroadcast from the Facebook Live event held every Tuesday in the Awakeners group page.

Twice a year Dr. Beverly hosts a Holistic Transformation Summit with other Coaches & Holistic Professionals who talk about their Holistic Transformational journey.